Bâ Ham: Intellect, Soul and Spirit in Ibn Sinā’s and Rūmī’s Thought: Critique from Badakhshani’s Ismailis Perspective – 21 April 2022 –
"این برنامه به بررسی مسائل فلسفی دینی از نگاه اسماعیلیان بدخشان میپردازد که در دعوتهای دینی سنتی برگزار میگردند.// Баррасии масъоили фалсафӣ-динӣ аз нигоҳи Исмоилиёни Бадахшон, ка дар даъватҳои динӣ-суннатӣ баргузор мегарданд.// This programme will discuss the philosophical and religious issues from the Badakhshani’s Ismailis perspectives that are held in their religious tradition ceremonies."
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