Join us for the February 2025 The Ismaili Update as we recap a historic month for our Jamat.
On 11 February 2025, Mawlana Hazar Imam graciously accepted pledges of allegiance from the Global Jamat at his Takht-nishini at the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat in Lisbon.
Yesterday, leaders of the Jamat submitted a gift to Mawlana Hazar Imam on behalf of the global Jamat, to commemorate the historic moment of his Takht-nishini. The gift is a manuscript of silent, or whispered prayers of our first Imam, Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him). Its floral and animal motifs suggest the importance of stewardship of our earthly environment and living in harmony with the natural world.
This short film, screened before the Takht-nishini of Mawlana Hazar Imam on 11 February 2025, describes the Insignia of Office — ceremonial symbols of authority presented to Hazar Imam at the ceremony.
Nur un ala Nur is an emotive song, describing "the rope that carries the light that flows," through generations of Imams, which illuminates our path.
Light Upon Light is a special film for the Jamat that looks back on Mawlana Shah Karim’s life and Imamat in his own words. It is available to watch now on The Ismaili TV.
This end-of-the-month edition of The Ismaili Update is coming to you from Paris, where our host, Aziza, has some of our top stories from January 2025: Princess Zahra and the International Baccalaureate Organization, Aga Khan University and the Prime Minister of Pakistan, preparations for the Global Encounters Festival and, more!
In this week’s episode of 4 Chais, we discuss the impact of the global economy with our guests: Shohil from Australia, Aleya from Kenya, Sohil from India, and Ashraf from the USA. 4 Chais is an Ismaili TV Original series where each episode brings together 4 Ismailis from 4 different countries. Participants start as total strangers, but throughout the episode they virtually connect and chat over their favourite cup of tea.
We’re onto our second episode of the year - looking at the story of Islam in Russia! Flying us through the history is Dr Danielle Ross, a specialist of Islamic and Russian-Soviet history at the State University of Utah. Russia is home to one of the world’s largest Muslim populations, with a rich and complex history that stretches back over a thousand years. We start with its early introduction in the Volga region, and travel through the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Crimea. We explore the role of Tatar Muslims, and the shifting policies of Tsars, Soviets, and modern Russia towards their Muslim citizens. Despite periods of repression and revival, Islam remains a vital force in Russia’s diverse society today, shaping everything from local traditions to geopolitical dynamics. Join us as we uncover the resilience and contributions of Russia’s Muslim communities in this captivating episode.
This episode explores Ibn Khaldun’s life and the context in which he wrote. Telling us his story is Professor Gabriel Martinez-Gros, one of France’s most renowned experts of Islam. The episode also examines the cyclical nature of history he proposed, which goes something like this. States are built around a violent minority that subdues the majority sedentary population. Eventually these violent groups, who in Ibn Khaldoun’s time were nomads or Bedouin, soften and become more and more like the sedentary population they rule. In other words, these wolves become like the sheep they govern – so to maintain control of the state, they have to call on new wolves to help them. These new violent groups first support, and then supplant, the old elite. The discussion highlights how Ibn Khaldun's insights into the complicated relationship between the authorities and society remain pertinent today, especially in light of contemporary challenges.
This is the first episode of a four-part video series introducing the Ismaili heritage of Persian-speaking communities, created by the Ismaili Special Collections Unit (ISCU) at The Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, in collaboration with the Ismaili TV. این اولین ویدئو از مجموعۀ چهار قسمتی ویدئو های معرفی میراث اسماعیلی جوامع فارسی زبان است که توسط واحد مجموعه های ویژۀ اسماعیلی در مؤسسۀ مطالعات اسماعیلی لندن با همکاری تلویزیون اسماعیلی تهیه شده است. Ин аввалин видео аз маҷмуъаи ҷаҳор қисматии видеоҳои муъаррифии мероси исмоъилии ҷавомеъи форсизабон аст, ки тавассути Воҳиди Маҷмуъаҳои Вижаи Исмоъилӣ дар Муассисаи Мутолиъоти Исмоъилии Лондон бо ҳамкории телевизиони Исмоъили таҳия шудааст.
In this week’s episode of 4 Chais, we discuss the difficulties and benefits of migration with our guests: Hangoma from Poland, Ali from the UK, Asad from Jersey, and Jameel from the USA. 4 Chais is an Ismaili TV Original series where each episode brings together 4 Ismailis from 4 different countries. Participants start as total strangers, but throughout the episode they virtually connect and chat over their favourite cup of tea.
4 Chais is an Ismaili TV Original series where each episode brings together 4 Ismailis from 4 different countries. Participants start as total strangers, but throughout the episode they virtually connect and chat over their favourite cup of tea. In this episode, Megan (USA), Nikita (Australia), Rahim Tajdin (DRC), and Salman (Malaysia) discuss Gender Equality and how it is impacts their lives and society where they live.
In this edition of Reflections, Alwaez Azam Samanani surveys the friction in our world, and proposes a strategy to help us in the new year and beyond.
Hello and welcome to the second episode of our two-part series on The Ismailis, which features Dr Farhad Daftary, Director Emeritus of the Institute of Ismaili Studies. This episode continues the history of the community, from the collapse of the Fatimid Empire - the only time Ismailis led a state - all the way to the present day. One topic that dominates this episode is the legends about the community. For hundreds of years Westerners have been fascinated by stories of the Assassins, their mysterious leader and their remote mountain stronghold at Alamut in Northern Iran. The legends first emerged in the 12th and 13th centuries, when Crusaders in Syria came into contact with the Nizari Ismailis, who, at the behest of their leader Hasan bin Sabbah (mythologized as the "Old Man of the Mountain"), engaged in dangerous missions to kill their enemies. Elaborated over the years, the tales culminated in Marco Polo's claim that the "Old Man" controlled the behaviour of his self-sacrificing devotees through the use of hashish and a secret garden of paradise. So influential were these tales that the word "assassin" entered European languages as a common noun meaning "murderer". Dr Daftary addresses in detail the assassins legend created this time by Muslim polemicists aiming to discredit the Ismaili movement. As such, this episode reveals an extraordinary programme of propaganda rooted in the medieval Muslim world and medieval Europe's ignorance of this world.
Hello again and welcome to our two-part series on The Ismailis, which features Dr Farhad Daftary, Director Emeritus of the Institute of Ismaili Studies. The Ismailis, a branch of Shi’i Islam, emerged in 765 during the formative period of Islam. Today, the community spans more than 30 countries, embodying a global presence with rich cultural and intellectual contributions. Dr Daftary provides insights into the community's formation, the challenges of documenting its history, and the esoteric doctrines that distinguish Ismailism. At the heart of Ismaili beliefs is its approach to religious scripture and an emphasis on both apparent and hidden meanings. In other words, while Sharia, or religious laws, evolve over time, the inner spiritual teachings remain constant. This adaptability has helped the Ismailis sustain their identity across centuries, allowing the community to thrive in diverse regions and political climates. The first part of the series continues through the Fatimid period, when Ismailis wielded significant political power and influence.
Hello again and welcome to our fourth episode of Muslim Footprints Season 2! It’s on Al Maqrizi, the most influential historian of Egypt before modern times. That’s all the way from the Pharaohs, through to the 15th century! Telling us his story is Professor Nasser Rabbat, head of the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Art and Architecture at MIT. So, why should we care about a medieval Egyptian historian? Well, he left a rich legacy of writings that offer a window into the social, economic, and cultural life of the medieval Islamic world. His meticulous documentation of Cairo's history was used centuries later by the Ottomans to understand the land they had inherited. It was also appropriated by Napoleon’s teams for their monumental Description de l’Égypte, so his work became the go-to source for anyone studying the country. Maqrizi’s writing continues to influence the nation to this day. Egyptian nationalists in the 20th century considered him as the voice of the true Egyptian, while novelists and poets referred to him as the embodiment of resistance to corruption and oppression. Professor Rabbat calls him a rebel: Maqrizi’s commentaries remind us of the importance of looking critically at our own societies and learning from history’s successes and failures - a theme that resonates across time and cultures.
Great to see you for our third episode, which features Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King's College London. The way the story of philosophy has been presented is that it started with the ancient Greeks, and then you had the Renaissance, followed by the Enlightenment and then all the way to today. Professor Adamson is keen to tell us what happened in the 2,000-year gap between those famous Greeks - Socrates or Plato or Aristotle - and Thomas Aquinas, described as a founding figure of modern thought. Professor Adamson has hosted a podcast since 2010 called the History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps. He’s also a specialist on Al Kindi, often known as the first Arab philosopher. Enjoy!
4 Chais is an Ismaili TV Original series where each episode brings together 4 Ismailis from 4 different countries. Participants start as total strangers, but throughout the episode they virtually connect and chat over their favourite cup of tea. In this episode, Alnawaz (USA), Temiza (Portugal), Ashfaque (China), and Farez (UK) discuss Artificial Intelligence, how it is already impacting their lives, and what their hopes and concerns are for the future.
4 Chais is an Ismaili TV Original series where each episode brings together 4 Ismailis from 4 different countries. Participants start as total strangers, but throughout the episode they virtually connect and chat over their favourite cup of tea. In this episode, Alpesh (UK), Kawish (Canada), Aashna (USA), and Atif (Pakistan) discuss their ongoing journeys with Mental Health and what they do to keep balance in their lives.
Enjoy the premiere of 4 Chais, an Ismaili TV Original series where each episode brings together 4 Ismailis from 4 different countries. Participants start as total strangers, but throughout the episode they virtually connect and chat over their favourite cup of tea.  In this episode, Naima (DRC), Noorin (Canada), Sana (South Korea), and Shan (USA) connect about the similarities and differences between their cultural backgrounds and their experiences with pluralism.

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