AKYSB France: Exposition virtuelle – Juridiction France
A l’occasion de Salgirah, découvrons ensemble les artistes de la Juridiction Française à travers ce court film montrant leurs œuvres ainsi que des interviews de chaque artiste. Baladez-vous entre les merveilleux tableaux, photographies et dessins! | On the occasion of Salgirah, get to know the artists of the French Jurisdiction through this short film featuring their works and interviews. Get lost between amazing paintings, photographs and drawings!
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Learn more about the Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) on the AKDN website »
The recipients of the 2016 Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) were honoured at a ceremony at the Al Jahili fort in Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates on Sunday, 6 November 2016. The six winners of the 2016 Aga Khan Award for Architecture were announced on 3 October at a press conference held in the United Arab Emirates.
The recipient projects — which are in Bangladesh, China, Denmark, Iran, and Lebanon — offer creative responses to contemporary issues such as climate change, connectivity between people, and the challenge of adapting to new contexts.
This ceremony is the culmination of the 13th cycle of the Award, which His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV established in 1977 to identify and encourage building concepts that successfully addressed the needs and aspirations of communities in which Muslims have a significant presence. Over the past 39 years, prizes have been given to 116 projects across the world, from France to China.
Learn more about the Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) on the AKDN website »
On 13 September 2019, he six winning projects of the 2019 Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) were acclaimed at a ceremony held at Kazan’s Musa Jalil State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre.
Learn more about the Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) on the AKDN website »
For two years filmmaker Veronika Hofer and her crew travelled the world visiting projects of the Aga Khan's organisations and to accompany His Highness. They visited the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in Doha, they explored projects in Egypt, Kenya, and India. In London and Paris Veronika Hofer searched the archives of the Aga Khan to find the most significant images. Finally, Veronika Hofer met Karim Aga Khan for an extraordinary personal and thoughtful interview in his private home in Nairobi.