Arts, Culture, Music
Aga Khan Museum some of our top content from 2020.
Renowned Belgian Flutist Christian Plouvier and acclaimed International Concert Pianist Avenline Gram, delight an audience with an extensive repertoire of music, exquisite in choice, harmony, and presentation. The artists synchronise their performance of melodies ranging from classical to popular. The event was co-hosted by the Belgian Business Council, the Belgian Embassy, and the Ismaili Centre Dubai.
Indulge in enjoyable memories of the Salgirah celebration through Ismaili Geets (songs). A journey of a few words that speak volumes about the relationship between the Imam of the time and His murids.
We Are The World" Songwriters: Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie in 1985, This song is offered as an expression of our continual gratitude love, and appreciation for our beloved Mawlana Shah Karim on the occasion of the 84th year of his Birthday.
Salgirah Celebrations: Ek Vaar Mare Ghamre Avo
Jashn-e-Salgirah is a nonstop Raas medley performed especially for the occasion of Salgirah. Move your tables, set your chairs aside, bring out your Dandia sticks, and get your Raas game on!
"Happy Birthday Shah Karim", a heartfelt ode to the Imam-of-the-Time performed in Urdu by Naila Karmali in Calgary, Canada.
"Mawla Teraa Shukr," performed by Taufiq Karmali and Farhana Kassamali. The song’s lyrics express gratitude to the Imam for his grace and mercy and for remaining always by our side.
Through this non-stop rasra medley featuring over 10 artists from across Canada, we come together to celebrate the birthday of our dear Beloved Mawlana Shah Karim. The collection of songs in multiple languages offer our felicitations on this special day, shukrana for his continued guidance, and express our utmost joy on this special day!
Join Khayal for an uplifting celebration through Garba and Raas music. Clap to the beat, dance to the rhythm, and sing along with your heart! Featuring artists from around the world, Khayal represents and highlights the spirit of One Jamat.
Join Tajik artists as we celebrate the joy and love of Mawlud (Salgirah). This is a beautifully staged musical program based on Shamsi Tabrezi poems on the devotion to divine love.
Pakistan Ismaili Musical Ensemble (PiMe) is a group of over 15 talented and versatile Ismaili musicians from Pakistan. The group has performed locally and globally to represent southeastern culture through uplifting music.
“Dear Mawla,” featuring children of the Jamat from across the globe performing in different languages, in honour of Mawlana Shah Karim’s 84th birthday.
"Day of Happiness (Khushi Ka Yeh Din),” in commemoration of Salgirah. This well-recognized composition is performed in five languages and features voices and musical talent of the Jamat from around the world.
A l’occasion de Salgirah, découvrons ensemble les artistes de la Juridiction Française à travers ce court film montrant leurs œuvres ainsi que des interviews de chaque artiste. Baladez-vous entre les merveilleux tableaux, photographies et dessins! | On the occasion of Salgirah, get to know the artists of the French Jurisdiction through this short film featuring their works and interviews. Get lost between amazing paintings, photographs and drawings!
This episode includes an introduction by Amirali Alibhai, an exhibition overview, an interview with Curator, a performance by Kiya Tabassian, Hamin Honari, and a performance by Aga Khan Master Musicians.
The Inaugural Cycle of the Aga Khan Music Awards, held on 29-31 March 2019, was a celebration of the pioneering work in music from the Muslim world, featuring laureates in a number of domains. We look back on the highlights of the first cycle.
The Inaugural Cycle of the Aga Khan Music Awards, held on 29-31 March 2019, was a celebration of the pioneering work in music from the Muslim world, featuring laureates in a number of domains. We look back on the highlights of the first cycle.
How do we make our voices heard and make a difference?
Find out by joining a conversation with the community and civic leaders. The panelists share personal experiences of how they became engaged in civic affairs, the impact they are having, and offer insights into how others can become involved to serve their communities.
Focus on the importance of Islamic architecture and how it has evolved over the years. Additionally, discuss how Islamic architecture interacts with culture and society and stress the role of human agency in shaping that interplay on 12 November 2020.
Learning about the Coast of East Africa. Conservation of Cultural Heritage at the Swahili Coast of East Africa and its impact on Quality of Life with Alwa'z Altaf Mukhi - 23 August 2020.