Browse Programmes
Exploring select examples from the Dawr al-Satr (765-909 CE) and the Fatimid period (909-1171 CE) of our history, Dr. Shainool Jiwa illustrates how the Imams and the leadership at the time dealt with challenging circumstances of their age, using them as a springboard for laying stronger foundations for the future of the Jamat across various regions of the world.
In his lifetime, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) had faced considerable social and cultural challenges but was able to overcome these through his own example of tolerance, trustworthiness, and compassion. In this episode, Naik Arbabzada and Darkhana Mukhi Dr. Nazmudin Bhanji, will provide introductory remarks on behalf of the Canadian Mukhi Kamadias and Mukhiani Kamadianis. Alwaez Jamil Sawani will then share how our faith can be a true source of hope and courage during times of challenge and adversity, and will explore how the current crisis can be seen as an opportunity for personal peace and spiritual growth.⠀
Navroz or “New Day” is Tajikistan’s biggest holiday, marking the beginning of spring. On these festive days spring comes entirely to the ancient Tajik land and it may be finally seen in its fine splendor. For the Tajiks, Navroz represents a festival of friendship and renewal of all living beings. The film shows the customs and traditions of celebrating Navroz in remote areas of the Pamir Mountains, which have undergone changes today.
Traditional to the Pamir Mountains is folk music consisting of dayereh, rubab, setor, ghijak, and nay. Hear the song of the famous Tajik singer, Shuhrat Sainakov, who reminds us that no matter what language we speak, music is the universal language of the spirit.
Highlights of Mawlana Hazar Imam's first visit to Tajikistan, May 1995. Part 1 of 2.
The Aga Khan Park was inaugurated by Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne in the presence of Mawlana Hazar Imam on 25 May 2015 in Toronto.
Part 2 of Fish Eagles continues to document the threats faced by Lake Naivasha from invasive species introduced into the lake. The film also profiles the people working to find a solution to the lake’s environmental crisis. A film by Munir Virani & Kiran Ghadge. GNV-005
Seeking truth, knowledge acquisition, and the role of the intellect have always been important aspects of our faith. Join us as we explore the increasingly important and constantly evolving fields of neuroscience and mental health, and the profound consequences they have on human behavior and well-being.
Talking Hands Series: An Introduction to British Sign Language – Part 3 Emotions Colours and Numbers
Learn how to express your emotions, the colours and how to count using sign language. An AKEB/AKSWB initiative from the UK.
The Institute of Ismaili Studies and The University of Melbourne
Shari’a has long been a source of misunderstanding across both the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds. In this webinar, Dr. Matthew Nelson, professor at the University of Melbourne hosts a panel discussion that aims to demystify shari’a, putting it in the context of current issues. Dr. Mohammed Keshavjee, co-author of Understanding Sharia: Islamic Law in a Globalised World, and an esteemed panel of speakers, delve into issues of integration, identity politics, and the role of women. A partnership between the Asia Institute at the University of Melbourne and the Institute of Ismaili Studies.
This session discusses the ethical framework that informs a cosmopolitan mindset. It explores the various dimensions of the ideas of cosmopolitanism and cosmopolitan ethics, including some critiques and constraints, to help Jamat develop a grounded appreciation of this concept.
Originally held in person in Toronto for International Women’s Day, this panel of exceptional women outlines ways in which they achieved excellence in their respective fields.
Looking back on the first 50 years of the Imamat of Mawlana Hazar Imam, His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan, the 49th hereditary Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims.
After the Headlines are Forgotten and Pakistan: Road to Recovery
In his lifetime, the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) had faced considerable social and cultural challenges but was able to overcome these through his own example of tolerance, trustworthiness, and compassion. In this episode, Naik Arbabzada and Darkhana Mukhi Dr. Nazmudin Bhanji, will provide introductory remarks on behalf of the Canadian Mukhi Kamadias and Mukhiani Kamadianis. Alwaez Jamil Sawani will then share how our faith can be a true source of hope and courage during times of challenge and adversity, and will explore how the current crisis can be seen as an opportunity for personal peace and spiritual growth.⠀
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment is a book by Eckhart Tolle. The book is intended to be a guide for day-to-day living and stresses the importance of living in the present moment and transcending thoughts of the past or future.
The film, Transforming Lives, is about Immit and Yarkhun Lasht, two remotest valleys in the mountainous regions of Pakistan. It exemplifies the challenges, inhabitants of these communities face and the efforts of Imamat Institutions that strive to improve the Quality of Life through the Socio-Economic Development Programme (SEDP). The SEDP is an initiative of the Ismaili Council for Pakistan, whose aim is to uplift the marginalised communities from the vicious generational cycle of poverty and improve their overall socio-economic status by addressing issues around food and nutrition, health, education, youth development, income, and habitat.
The Global Concert was a featured signature event at the Jubilee Games in 2016, embracing diversity and celebrating unity through music. The finale of the Concert brings all the artists together on stage in a fusion of musical sounds featuring Salim and Sulaiman, Amjad Habbabeh and Nobovar. GLE-004
The Global Concert was a featured signature event at the Jubilee Games in 2016, embracing diversity and celebrating unity through music. Part 3 of the concert features Tajikistan artists Nobovar Chanorov and Shams Band. GLE-003
ITREB India: Chandraat Sandesh - Facing Adversities Minka Quwwati - 18 October 2020
ITREB India Milad Al-Nabi: Prophet Muhammad (SAS) A Moral Model And Inspiration.