Global Centre for Pluralism
The Global Centre for Pluralism in collaboration with the University of British Columbia presents a lecture by Ethiopian novelist and 2020 Booker Prize finalist, Maaza Mengiste, followed by a conversation with Nahlah Ayed, host of CBC Radio's Ideas. Opening remarks by Princess Zahra Aga Khan. Ms. Mengiste talks about her journey into historical research while writing her critically acclaimed novel, The Shadow King. She discusses the surprising and revelatory discoveries she made about collective memory and official archives, and what history can teach us about the future.
Justice Albie Sachs, a senior member of the African National Congress and a key architect of Mandela’s post-apartheid Constitution, delivers the fifth Annual Pluralism Lecture in Toronto at the Aga Khan Museum.
Justice Albie Sachs, a senior member of the African National Congress and a key architect of Mandela’s post-apartheid Constitution, delivers the fifth Annual Pluralism Lecture in Toronto at the Aga Khan Museum.
In delivering the seventh Annual Pluralism Lecture, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed addressed the links between pluralism and development, highlighting the dangers posed by growing inequalities in Part 2.
In delivering the seventh Annual Pluralism Lecture, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed addressed the links between pluralism and development, highlighting the dangers posed by growing inequalities Part 1.
A look back at the second cycle of the Global Pluralism Awards, 2019
The Inaugural Global Centre for Pluralism Award ceremony, held in Ottawa, November 2017.
On May 16th, His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV and His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General
of Canada officially opened the Centre’s new permanent headquarters at 330 Sussex Drive in Ottawa.
Global Centre For Pluralism Lecture 2018 - Part 2 of the sixth Annual Pluralism Lecture: a Q&A session with Karen Armstrong, author, and religious historian.
Chief Justice of Canada Beverley McLachlin delivered the Global Centre for Pluralism’s fourth Annual Pluralism Lecture on 28 May 2015, in Toronto. The title of her lecture was "Reconciling Unity and Diversity in the Modern Era: Tolerance and Intolerance."
The 2019 Annual Pluralism Lecture was held on 11 June 2019 at the Ismaili Centre, Lisbon, where Amina J. Mohammed spoke about the connections between pluralism and sustainable development.
On 16 May 2017, His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV and His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada officially opened the Centre’s new permanent headquarters at 330 Sussex Drive in Ottawa.