Have you ever wondered if Artificial Intelligence and Robotics will replace human beings? Join us as we explore these quickly evolving fields that have the potential to completely alter how our world functions.
Dr. Karen Armstrong, an internationally acclaimed scholar and best-selling author of numerous books on religion, delivered the keynote address at the Ismaili Centre, Dubai. Organised jointly by The Ismaili Centre and UAE Ministry of Tolerance, Dr. Armstrong spoke about the Charter of Compassion which she launched with religious leaders globally. The Charter has over two million signatures and brings to light the reason and urgency of practicing compassion in a polarised world.
Exploring select examples from the Dawr al-Satr (765-909 CE) and the Fatimid period (909-1171 CE) of our history, Dr. Shainool Jiwa illustrates how the Imams and the leadership at the time dealt with challenging circumstances of their age, using them as a springboard for laying stronger foundations for the future of the Jamat across various regions of the world.
Seeking truth, knowledge acquisition, and the role of the intellect have always been important aspects of our faith. Join us as we explore the increasingly important and constantly evolving fields of neuroscience and mental health, and the profound consequences they have on human behavior and well-being.
Learn how to express your emotions, the colours and how to count using sign language. An AKEB/AKSWB initiative from the UK.
The Institute of Ismaili Studies and The University of Melbourne Shari’a has long been a source of misunderstanding across both the Muslim and non-Muslim worlds. In this webinar, Dr. Matthew Nelson, professor at the University of Melbourne hosts a panel discussion that aims to demystify shari’a, putting it in the context of current issues. Dr. Mohammed Keshavjee, co-author of Understanding Sharia: Islamic Law in a Globalised World, and an esteemed panel of speakers, delve into issues of integration, identity politics, and the role of women. A partnership between the Asia Institute at the University of Melbourne and the Institute of Ismaili Studies.
This session discusses the ethical framework that informs a cosmopolitan mindset. It explores the various dimensions of the ideas of cosmopolitanism and cosmopolitan ethics, including some critiques and constraints, to help Jamat develop a grounded appreciation of this concept.
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment is a book by Eckhart Tolle. The book is intended to be a guide for day-to-day living and stresses the importance of living in the present moment and transcending thoughts of the past or future.
The film, Transforming Lives, is about Immit and Yarkhun Lasht, two remotest valleys in the mountainous regions of Pakistan. It exemplifies the challenges, inhabitants of these communities face and the efforts of Imamat Institutions that strive to improve the Quality of Life through the Socio-Economic Development Programme (SEDP). The SEDP is an initiative of the Ismaili Council for Pakistan, whose aim is to uplift the marginalised communities from the vicious generational cycle of poverty and improve their overall socio-economic status by addressing issues around food and nutrition, health, education, youth development, income, and habitat.
An interview series that provides mentorship from leaders in their fields.  In this episode, host Zahra Hassanali interviews Harris County, Texas Ismaili judge Aneeta Jamal.  Presented by Kenya jurisdiction
Annual Milad-al-Nabi Lecture Presented by Mona Siddiqui, Professor of Islamic and Inter-religious Studies, University of Edinburgh School of Divinity. This lecture was held at the Ismaili Centre, Toronto on 15 January 2019, to commemorate Milad-un-Nabi, the birth of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Have you ever wondered what mysteries lie in the stars of the night sky? And for that matter, the heavens and earth? Join us as we explore the fields of astronomy, space, and the immensity of divine creation.
Learn how to greet, use sign language to start basic conversations and how to call the members of your family. An AKEB/AKSWB initiative from the UK.
Ce nouveau programme hebdomadaire, entièrement en francais, s'adresse au Jamat mondial francophone. Au programme cette semaine: Comment préparer sa poursuite d'études à l'étranger? Interviews d'étudiants et professionels expatriés à Londres, Montréal, Genève et Toronto qui partageront de précieux conseils!
On the 27th of September 2017, Dr. Mohamed Keshavjee discussed issues such as globalization and its challenges, pluralism and its virtues, and the need for greater global cooperation. In his address, he highlighted why in today’s fast-changing context, the need to treat the other with consideration and understanding becomes a global imperative for a more peaceful world. Dr. Keshavjee is a Trustee of the Darwin International Institute for the Study of Compassion in the UK and a consultant to the Hague Conference on Private International law.
Renowned Alweaz, Counselor and Mentor Kamaluddin Ali Muhammad take the audience through the layers seldom noticed in spousal relationships. From the need to create effective communication between the couple, specially keeping our traditional value system of living within a joint family. Besides just conflict resolution, Alweaz talks about discovering ways to improve the overall martial life.
How have pandemics shaped many aspects of human culture, including religious communities? Dr. Farid Panjwani explores pandemics historically, in terms of religion and religious thought, using examples such as the Black Death in the 14th century.
This is an AKEB and AKSWB 8-week introduction to British Sign Language. In the first session, you will learn how to sign the alphabet, say your name, and use basic conversational phrases.
Motivational speaker Azim Jamal talks about how each one of us can ignite a spark within ourselves, even in the most difficult of circumstances, by creating balance in our lives. He sheds light on how pursuing one's goals is important, but prioritizing one's life between what is most important to oneself is even more crucial. Presented by the Volunteer's Capacity Building Portfolio, Council for Pakistan.
During times of crisis, some of us might ask whether God indeed loves humankind. Referring to Muslim traditions, this talk introduces the concepts of divine love - mahabbat/hubb (love), shukr (gratitude) and rahmat and encourages viewers to reflect on the ways in which a believer can reciprocate divine love. The talk will also introduce audiences to multiple IIS publications that one can refer to and read in order to learn more about this topic.
Active parental involvement can be defined as the ongoing participation of a parent or primary caregiver in his or her child's education. Parents may demonstrate this through involvement at home-by reading with their children, helping with homework, and discussing school events-or at school, and simply encouraging and supporting the child in their daily life. The Aga Khan Education Board for Tanzania speaks to two sets of parents who delve into the topic of active parenting, their parenting styles, and how they are involved in their children's daily life.

Showing 106–126 of 147 results