Princess Zahra joins us for an exclusive interview where she looks back on 30 years of working alongside Mawlana Shah Karim, and the lessons she has learnt over the past three decades.
به مناسبت هشتاد و هفتمین سالگرد میلاد مولانا حاضر امام، دکتر داریوش محمدپور، دانشیار مؤسسه‌ی مطالعات اسماعیلی، مروری بر سنت و عقاید اسماعیلی در زمینه‌ی امامت خواهد داشت و به طور خاص به دستاوردهای امامت در زمینه نهادسازی و ساختارهای جدید برای بهبود کیفیت زندگی مردم و خدمت به جماعت و بشریت در بافتار اصول و عقاید اسماعیلی اشاره دارد.// Ба муносибати ҳаштоду ҳафтумин солгарди мелоди Мавлоно Ҳозир Имом, Доктор Дориюш Муҳаммадпур, дотсенти Муассисаи Мутолиъоти Исмоилӣ, шарҳи умумиро дар мавриди баррасии суннат ва ақоъиди Исмоилӣ дар мавзуъи имомат пешкаш хоҳад кард. Дар тули ин суҳбат ба хусус дастовардҳои имомат дар заминаи ниҳодсозӣ ва сохторҳои ҷадид барои беҳбудӣ кайфияти зиндагии мардум ва хидмат ба ҷамоъат ва башарият дар васеътари принсипҳо ва эътиқодҳои исмоилӣ мавриди таҳлил қарор хоҳад шуд.// On the occasion of Mawlana Shah Karim’s 87th birthday, Dr Daryoush Mohammad Poor, Associate Professor at the Institute of Ismaili Studies offers an overview of Ismaili traditions and beliefs on Imamat and specifically on the achievements of the Imamat in the areas of institution-building and contemporary governing structures of the Jamat in order to improve the quality of life of people, to serve the Jamat and humanity within the broader context of Ismaili principles and beliefs.
As we prepare to celebrate Mawlana Shah Karim’s 87th birthday, The Ismaili brings you a recorded reading from the book “Ismaili Festivals: Stories of Celebration,” in which author Shiraz Kabani describes how the happy occasion of Salgirah is commemorated in various parts of the world.
Join us for a special #Salgirah edition of The Ismaili Update with hosts Ayaz Manji and Sahra Ahmady. See how the worldwide community is celebrating Mawlana Shah Karim’s 87th birthday today, and learn about the gift presented to Shah Karim on behalf of the global Jamat.
Love & Gratitude: As we prepare to celebrate our beloved Mawlana Shah Karim's birthday, The Ismaili is pleased to present our Love & Gratitude video series, which reminds us of the Imam's immense love for his Jamat and the countless reasons why we offer our shukrana to the Imam. Throughout his Imamat, Mawlana Shah Karim has stressed the importance of building peaceful societies around the world. He has emphasised that conflicts should be resolved within the ethics of our faith, through dialogue, compassion, tolerance, generosity, and forgiveness, and not through violence. In order to advance peace in the world, Shah Karim’s institutions have worked to assist developing societies become more stable, pluralistic, and forward-looking. We thank our beloved Imam for all he has done to make our world a more peaceful place, and we offer prayers for all the people of the world who are living in situations of conflict for the easing of their difficulties and an end to violence around the world.
به مناسبت هشتاد و ششمین سالروز ولادت مولانا حاضر امام، دکتر داريوش محمدپور، پژوهشگر ارشد مؤسسه‌ی مطالعات اسماعیلی، طی سخنانی به سه محور کلیدی هدایت‌ مولانا حاضر امام می‌پردازد: توازن میان دين و دنيا، توازن بین عقل و دین و کثرت‌گرایی. این نکات را در چارچوب الگوی اخلاقی شبکه‌ی توسعه‌ی آقاخان و نهادهای امامت اسماعيلی يعنی بهبود کیفیت زندگی انسان‌ها بدون هيچ تبعيضی می‌شنویم.// Ба муносибати ҳаштоду шашумин солрӯзи валодати Мавлонл Ҳозир Имом, дуктур Дориюши Муҳаммадпур, пажуҳишгари аршади Муассисаи Мутолиъоти Исмоилӣ, тайи суханоне ба се меҳвари калидии ҳидояти Мавлоно Ҳозир Имом мепардозад: Тавозун миёни дин ва дунё, тавозун миёни ақл ва дин ва касратгароӣ. Ин нукотро дар чорчуби алагуӣ ахлоқии шабакаи тавсиъаи Оғохон ва ниҳодҳои имомати Исмоъилӣ яъне беҳбуди кайфияти зиндагии инсонҳо бидуни ҳеч табъизе мешунавем.// On the occasion of the 86th birthday of Mawlana Shah Karim, Dr Daryoush Mohammad Poor, Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Ismaili Studies discusses three themes of the guidance of Mawlana Shah Karim. These include: balance between din and dunya, balance between faith and intellect and commitment to pluralism. All of these are discussed under the rubric of improving the quality of life which is the motto of the AKDN and Imamat institutions. We also hear extracts from Mawlana Shah Karim’s speeches in which he explains these points.
The Ismaili is pleased to present “Happy Birthday Mawla,” performed by and featuring Ismaili children from all over the world. Follow along with the lyrics and learn how to say happy birthday in different languages including Swahili, Arabic, Farsi, French, Portuguese, and more!
"Khushiali Mubarak” is a devotional collaboration between 86 Ismaili artists around the world in celebration of Mawlana Shah Karim's 86th Birthday. The song weaves together different languages, traditions, and styles of music and dance, performed at Ismaili Centres in Dushanbe, Houston, London, Lisbon, Vancouver, and Toronto, with a stirring finale in Dubai.
The Ismaili Sounds are pleased to present "Loyalty" by Ismaili music artists from Syria. The song was produced to celebrate Mawlana Shah Karim's 86th Birthday and illustrates the Jamat’s unconditional love and devotion for our beloved Imam-of-the-Time.
Birthdays are generally seen as a time to celebrate and be thankful for those whom we care about. In this spirit, Ismailis celebrate the birthday of the living Imam-of-the-Time as a way of expressing their love, devotion, obedience, and gratitude to him.
Watch this creative new animated short story produced especially for Ismaili children, entitled, How can I tell my Mawla I love him? Join Inara and her family on an adventure as they ask, reflect, and search for ways to express their love and gratitude to Mawlana Shah Karim on the occasion of Salgirah.
The Ismaili Sounds are pleased to present As we look forward to the joyous occasion of Salgirah, A karaoke version of “Day of Happiness (Khushi Ka Yeh Din),” produced by Pervaiz Mirza, originally released in December 2020. Visit The Ismaili YouTube channel to watch, listen, and sing along to the instrumental and performance versions of the karaoke track.
In an exclusive interview for The Ismaili TV, Prince Amyn shares stories from his childhood growing up with Mawlana Shah Karim, and about their relationship with their grandfather, our beloved 48th Imam, Mawlana Sultan Mahomed Shah. He speaks about AKDN’s activities and some of Shah Karim’s priorities over the past 65 years. This is a valuable opportunity to hear about Shah Karim from someone who has been by his side for most of his life, and to gain a deeper understanding into Shah Karim’s work across many decades.
To continue celebrating Mawlana Shah Karim's 85th Birthday, The Ismaili Sounds pleased to present Iltija, featuring Pakistani folk and Sufi artist Sanam Marvi along with Jamil Assani.
به مناسبت جشن مولود مولانا حاضرامام، این برنامه نگاه مختصری می‌اندازد به کوشش‌های مولانا حاضرامام محبوبمان برای تحقق وجدان اجتماعی اسلام و بهبود کیفیت زندگی جماعت و کسانی که جماعت در میان آن‌ها زندگی می‌کنند. // On the occasion of Salgirah, this program will briefly look at our beloved Shah Karim’s activities for the realisation of the social conscience of Islam and improving the quality of life of the Jamat and the people amongst whom they live. // Ин барнома ба муносибати ҷашни мавлуди Мавлоно Ҳозир Имом ба таври мухтасар ба фаъолиятҳои Ҳозир Имоми маҳбубамон дар ҷиҳати таҳаққуқи виҷдони иҷтимоии Исломӣ ва баланд бардоштани сатҳи зиндагии ҷамоъат ва мардумоне, ки дар миёни онҳо зиндагӣ мекунанд, назар мегузорад.
As part of our series of Salgirah song releases, The Ismaili is pleased to present Girya O Zari, performed by Taufiq Karmali. The song is a request for our heartfelt wishes and prayers to be accepted, and for the strength to overcome difficulties.
Tahseen Sakina, Pakistan's new Sufi music sensation, gives a riveting performance in a concert specially crafted to celebrate the 85th Salgirah of our Beloved Shah Karim. The show features some of the best-loved mystical pieces known to audiences from around the world.
Featuring young Ismaili artists and performers from around the world coming together to wish felicitations to Mawlana Shah Karim and the global Jamat on the occasion of Salgirah.
Dr. Shiraz Kabani reflects upon how the Imam-of-the-Time’s guidance over a number of decades has profoundly shaped the lives of the Jamat, and enhanced our quality of life, both material and spiritual.
To coincide with the Jamat’s Salgirah celebrations, The Ismaili Sounds is pleased to present a rendition of Aaj Badhe Anand Re, performed by Zohra Kassam. The lyrics of this well-known Gujarati geet express joy on a day of glad tidings for the murids of the Imam-of-the-Time.

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