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Le Quantique Illumine - Un Resume

Le Quantique Illumine – Un Resume

Ceci est un résumé de mon projet de fin de Secondaire du Programme d’Éducation International, visant à introduire l’optique quantique aux jeunes de mon âge.

3D Printing Face Shields !

3D Printed Face Shields!

Whilst in quarantine, my family and I worked together to design and create 3D Printed Face Shields to donate to our local community.

The Solar System

The Solar System

A quick overview of interesting facts about each of the planets within our amazing Solar System! From Mercury to Neptune, watch the planets orbit around

Bouncy Egg Experiment

Bouncy Egg Experiment

How to turn an ordinary egg into a bouncy, glowing egg by simply using vinegar. The shell of the egg is dissolved leaving a thin

Shaving Cream Clouds

Shaving Cream Clouds

I use a glass of water with shaving cream on top and add some food colouring. The water will slowly change colour. This is called

Safira’s Rainbow Milk

Safira’s Rainbow Milk

This video is about the reaction of chemicals in milk and dish soap. The reaction is easily visible when using colors.

Eva's Volcano

Eva’s Volcano

Eva shows how to make an erupting volcano at home. She uses a plastic bottle, cardboard, newspapers, tape, paper-mache, and paint to create a volcano.